Monday 8 September 2014

Irish September

Okay, this was from the end of August..
But it was Kristin and Nat's last day here :(
This was from our lunch at the Lemon Leaf Cafe.. cheesecake, deelish.

Cake I made for my dad's birthday (love baking now)...
had nothing to decorate with, so used blueberries. There's
my creativity kicking in.

So we went on a 1-hour guided horse ride for my dad's present..
That was interesting.

This is me on Mac.. who would not stop eating everything in his path.
And my mom on Diego. Well that was hilarious.
Decided to go on a walk after dinner, just as the sun was setting.
This is the view from our front lawn.
Also right in front of our house.
On a bridge about 2 minutes walk from our house.
Verrry nice.
More water.
Sunset in the water.
So cool.
Awww yee.
Last one of the sunset, back at my house.

McVey-Neufelds on horseback. Who would have thought.

Tuesday 2 September 2014

London Y'all

Goodbye Ireland!


Me waiting for the bus outside our hotel,
to take us to Trafalgar Square!
Big Ben.
In front of Big Ben.
Trafalgar Square - this is the National Gallery of London.
It's completely free entry!
London Underground.
Top of some building.. don't remember what, but it's cool.
Westminster Station.
The buildings are incredible.
Check it out.
Checkin out the River Thames.
Me and Big Ben.
Pretty tall.
I liked this.
Some jerks climbing on Big Ben.
Just kidding, I think they were fixing something.
Stores in Soho.
Amazing Italian restaurant we ate at on our first night...
Their chocolate tart with vanilla ice cream for dessert
Our lil hotel room!
Natalie in the room.
Kristin in the room.
"Bathers at Asnieres" by Seurat.
This is in the National Gallery of London,
completely free to see!
"The Chair" by Van Gogh.. love.
Sunflowers by Van Gogh.
Another Van Gogh.
View of Trafalgar Square from the National Gallery.
These guys were floating..
we couldn't figure it out, but they were standing on
a platform that was attached to the pole thing they
were holding. Weird.
Grim Reaper was a bit scarier.
He kept beckoning to me.. ugh.
The guy started to take his costume off and ruined
the illusion!
Kristin and Nat at Buckingham Palace!
Kristin and I.
Guard of the palace.
Guard's face. Hahahaha.
Really pretty park on the street walking towards Buckingham Palace.
Buckingham Palace.
Royal Gates.
The London Eye!
View from the London Eye.
I didn't actually go on (too afraid of heights)
but Nat and Kristin did and had a ball.
More London Eye views.
The city.
Big Ben from the London Eye.
The River Thames.
Big BEN.
London Eye! :O
Princess Diana Memorial in the park!
Oooh too high for me.
Ma friends.
Beautiful park that I loved.
So calm and pretty.
Scotland Yard.
Arch in front of Hyde Park.
Our wonderful bus tour guide.
Oh and I met David Beckham.
David up close.
The apartment of Sherlock Holmes!
There ya go.
Kristin and Nat looking uncomfortable at 221b.
Baker Street!
Nat in front of her Beatles store, which she bought half of.
There's Sherlock.
Lots of signed stuff from rock and roll musicians in this store.
The Tower of London, and the poppy (fake) display
they had to commemorate World War I, as it began
100 years ago.
Tower Bridge!
Cool dragon.
Goblet of fire to commemorate the huge
fire that burned in London for days.. I forget
how many, but it was a ton.
Tower Bridge from bus.
Goin on Tower Bridge.
Poppy display at Tower of London.
So pretty.
Guy putting up the poppies.
They're all ceramics!
A kind stranger took our photo.
Nat just hanging out in a telephone booth.
And Kristin.
Me just enjoying my sandwich.
Still loving my sandwich.
Grass at Buckingham Palace.
We weren't allowed to take pictures inside the Palace
(we took a tour of the State Rooms) but this was the back.
Our last night - Buckingham Palace in the setting sun.
My pals George and Elizabeth.
On the way back to Trafalgar Square to catch our bus back to our hotel.
Trafalgar Square on our last night.
Bye National Gallery :(.
Really like this picture.. last night.
More Buckingham Palace with cool clouds.
Okay..not sure.
As Nat would say, "MONEY SHOT!"
Oh yeah.
I took this.. freaking amazing camera skills.
Another angle.. interesting.
Freakin tourists everywhere.

Kristin checking out the bus schedule.