Wednesday 30 July 2014

Topic: Food

Just the view from our house one night...
Pretty beautiful.

One of the local fisherman's oyster tables.
Apparently the oysters stick to the tables, and then they
go and collect them when the tide is out.
The fisherman's name is "Hookie Mac"...
he has a hook for a hand. How awesome is that.

What I see every day when I walk outside.

Also another daily walk view.

My dad and brothers and I walked to this local farmer's vegetable stand kind of
hidden in the forest..
She had a whole range of stuff (small orange tomatoes, soooo good)

Cupcakes that I made after my craving to bake!
Turned out delicious I might add.

Mmm... yes they were good.

This is "The Crepe Man" making my dad and I
cinnamon and sugar crepes at the weekly farmer's market
in the town square. I'm coming every Wednesday.

My cinnamon and sugar crepe.

Weekly Kinsale Farmer's Market.
(The red stall is the Crepe Man)

Also the Kinsale Farmer's Market.

Sunday 27 July 2014

Garretstown Beach & Old Head Of Kinsale

Garretstown Beach, Kinsale.

Small cliff by the beach.

Relaxing on the beach...and my gross feet.


Cool clouds and water.

Windy beach.

Seam being buried.
Checkin out the men.
Such a nice beachy day!
Irish hills behind the beach.
Sun on the water.
Long beach.
Dad in a blanket.

Moi, avec une banane.

Dad in a blanket 2.0.

So this is "The Old Head of Kinsale"
It's basically the bottom of Ireland (not the most southern point),
but it's one point where the country ends and meets the Atlantic Ocean
/ Celtic Sea. It was beautiful.

More Old Head.

Old Head.


Close up on da cliffs.

Couldn't stop taking pictures.

Even closer on the cliff! Cool!
My gross brother wearing only a towel.
No people around, thank God.

Seam takin' in the view.

Nothing to say.

Hills of Ireland.

Cows, clouds, ocean, hills.

Charles Fort

Some building in town.

Charles Fort, Kinsale.

Seam outside Charles Fort. 
Not sure what these are for...

Da fort.


And more.

The viiieeewwww.

Speed boatin' it up.
Across the water.

Sandy beach.

More ruins.


Not sure?

View from the fort.

Walkin around.

Ancient wall.

Fam in a cave.

Exiting the cave.

Pit of despair.

Mini lighthouse thing.

Mother and I.

Stone passageways.

Creature from the deep. Wearing such a cool shirt.


Hills and some sailors.

Irish farmers.

Chocolate store in Cork.

Cork city.

Not sure what this guy's deal was.

English marketplace in Cork...
where I'm pretty sure I got FOOD POISONING from, thank you very much.