Friday 11 July 2014

First Bout of Irish Pictures

This is the setting sun from our plane...interesting, no? No. 

Here is my mother looking like a mouse.

This is a terrible picture of the rising sun..only taken because
Maya told me previously to take one.

Clouds, ooh.

In Dublin, a traditional Irish pub called Gogarty's...
really cool inside, also a hostel upstairs, there's live Irish music every night.
Where I had my first (first 3, actually) legal drinks!

Some street.

Another pub.

Another pub/restaurant..thought it looked really pretty.

What is that?...Oh, another pub.

Another pub - I know, but this is the big famous one..this
whole area in Dublin is called the Temple Bar for some reason,
but this is THE Temple yeah, neat I guess. Not sure
why it looks like two of the same entrances...Irish.

Moi, on the famous bridge in Dublin..don't know why it's famous.

Creepy street where you could get raped.
Probably not, still small and creepy though. Lots of pubs,

My first legal drink - a gin and tonic. The guy didn't even
card me, which was kind of disappointing. Somehow I
get the feeling they're a little more laid-back with the whole
drinking thing here.

Me, with my first legal drink. Looking terrifyingly excited at
the prospect of drinking in an Irish bar, and I'm not even drunk yet.


Ceiling, cool..weird stuff hanging.

Clip from the pub, live Irish ya a taste.

Another clip from the live Irish music, this one I took to capture
the old ladies dancing in the back..kind of cute, kind of sad.

Karen(Carol)-Anne looking amused.

River in Dublin.

Here is the front-ish of our house..hills and water as far as the
eye can your eye can see.

Our driveway, and the following road.

Our house for the year.
They know the addresses here from the house name...not
number. Oh lord. For safety reasons I won't post the name..haha

Windy water.

A lookout kind of place where cars pull over to look at the water
and hills and such..about a 15 minute walk from our house.

Again, the view from our house..this time in the evening. I
almost feel like I'm at a cottage in Ontario.

More house views.

Think this is taken from my bedroom window..

I was gonna delete this, but then I saw how cool the clouds looked..
taken on one of the many drives my mom and I did in the first
week here, doing this or that errand.

More Irish driving and cool clouds.

So this is Kinsale..not a great picture, but a harbour town
as you can see.


Bad picture, Kinsale.

My mom and I embarking on a long walk in Kinsale,
determined to find the 'famous' Bulman pub.

One boat.

Water and boats in Kinsale.


Proof that I was here.

Smells like salt.

Some castle/ruin nearby..not sure what it is yet, but
I'd like to look around sometime.

More pretty walk views.


Another castle/ruin cool.

The town viewed through a tree...artsy, and lame.


Ooh ah.

Think you can grasp what the town looks like from a
distance now.

Finally we reached somewhere.

More scenic crap, but I thought this one was actually kind of cool.

I really like this picture...a grandpa was throwing stuff into the
water with his little grandson on the was so sweet, and
his glasses being held by some sort of string (I'm sure it's not
actually string) make it all the sweeter.

Small beach.

We sat on a rocky ledge thing - at the Bulman you can bring your drinks out
and sit outside, right on the water.  This is a very Irish picture
I guess - the hills and the booze. We wondered how many
drunk people fell off the ledge and into the water at must
have happened.

This was a joke. I was drinking yes, but I was posing like a fool.

This is real.

And this is the Bulman. Easy to miss, as you can see. (kidding)

Guy swimming in ocean who I wanted to be..and someone with
awful shorts.

A bunch of seagulls following a fishing boat..weird looking.

Aforementioned rocky ledge.

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