Tuesday 19 August 2014

Dublin From Day One

Nat and Kristin at the Toronto Airport, waitin for their flight to Dublin!

Kristin, Aer Lingus!

Cuuuuute flight pic.

Can you tell they're excited?

Finally met them in Dublin!
We ate lunch outside at this restaurant (which gave me the smallest pancakes in the world).
They were very over-tired, being up for 25 hours.
Nato at the restaurant.
They crashed as soon as we were allowed in our living-room apartment.
This is them asleep.
This is Nat finding it hard to fall asleep, as usual.
Kristin's knowing smile.
Walking the Dublin streets, shoulder bags in tow.
Dublin streets take two.
Kristin is delighted by Dublin.
I am also delighted by Dublin.
Being cool on the bridge.
Posing on the bridge.
How sweet.
Some nice guy on a bike stopped and offered to take a picture of us.
Action shot of Kristin.
Action shot #2.
Looking angry at Nat.
Havin' a ball.
From apartment.
Laughin it up.
Still laughing.
Ate dinner here on our first night.
Dublin streets.
Nat looking happy.
My dinner our first night in Dublin...deeeelicious.
Really cool buildings.
Trinity College campus!
At Trinity College!
Building at Trinity College.
Pretty fountain.
Trinity College.
Statue at the campus.
Track field at the College.
Still at the College campus.
Pretty campus street.
Iiiiiiiiit's Kristin.
Here's a door.
Displaying the door.
Christ Church Cathedral.
Cool tile in the ground.
My friends in awe.
Me and Kristin.
Nat and Kristin.
Hardcore parcour.
Christ Church Cathedral.
Seed goin' into the Guinness.
Kristin having a free taste of Guinness!
Our Guinness ad!
Nat and Kristin at the Guinness Storehouse.
Nat with her free taste of Guinness.
Kristin trying Guinness.
Nat and Kristin trying Guinness!
Conan O'Brien's been here so..yes.
Ownin Guinness.
What what.
Aw, Guinness is gross.
Still pretty.
Live Irish music at the bar restaurant!
Nat at dinner.
Kristin still loving' Dublin!
Nat goin overboard on the purple drank!
Happy at the ba!
Looking much tipsier than I was.
Havin' a ball
Nat looking confused with her apple cider.
Nat with her cider.
Cheers take two!
Us in front of Temple Bar on our last day in Dublin.
St. Patrick's Cathedral.
Cool statue... and a cool lady.
St. Patty's.
St. Patrick's.
The grounds of St. Patrick's Cathedral.
Hot guy.
This was a cool tree thing where people would write a message
on a leaf-shaped paper to someone they loved who was affected by war,
and then tie it to the tree. It was really cool.

Kristin in front of the tree.

People's messages.

Where to leave a message.

Pretty room at the back.


Cool cool.

Stained glass.
Front of the Cathedral.
Natalie in the gardens.
Me and Natalie.
Attractive girls.
Bus back to Cork!


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