Sunday 24 August 2014

In and Around Kinsale With Nat and Kristin!

Honestly, the BEST hot chocolate and the BEST
chocolate cake I have ever had in my life.  I had both at this cafe
in Kinsale called Janey Mac's - Nat did too - and I'm going to go
back a million times. Anyone who visits is going to try this, no question.

Nat and Kristin at the cafe - Nat's face depicts
how good the cake was.

Kristin looking excited in the wool shop.

Happy Nat among the wool.


Kristin trying on the chapeaus.

Super creepy thing that this guy had set up...
The puppet things moved and were playing instruments, it
was gross and extremely disturbing.
Gnocchi and tea at the Bulman for lunch on a rainy day..
soo good.
My pals at lunch at The Bulman.
Cool street signs.
Climbin' on da rocks.
More rocks.
Lunch at the Bulman.
Nat taking some artsy pics.
Moi et Natalie.
Natalie on the rocks.
Pretty window by The Bulman.
Still lunchin' at The Bulman.
This time from Nat's perspective.
Nat trying to take an artsy shot of her pear cider.
At the beach by The Bulman.
Moi et Kristin on the rocks.
You can see how cool the rocks are...
This is just outside The Bulman, right on the water.
Kristin on da rocks.
Kristin getting ballsy and climbing the rock wall.
Natalie checkin out the Irish scenery.
About to fall.
Just kidding, I'm fine.
Kinsale from The Bulman.
Kristin on the Scilly bridge.
Kristin and I posing on the walk home.
Nat and I walking into town.
This guy from Kinsale Silver, who makes
a ton of silver jewellery, and who got a lot
of business from Nat and Kristin.
Kinsale boat.
Different view of Kinsale boat.
Walk home.
Nat and I walking back from The Bulman.
Laughing at Kristin.
Kristin on the walk into town.
Kristin and I.
Me in town.
Pretty square.
Boat again.

The famous cafe!!!!
It also won the award for the Best Scone in Ireland,
which I have yet to try. So many good things in there.

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